This tutorial shows how to insert record into SQL Storage(HTML5) and Populate the rows in List widget.
Refer to List Widget
Step1 : Create Basic Scene “DatabaseList”
in DatabaseList-Scene.html
<div>Database Tutorial</div> <div id="textField"></div> <div id="button-1"></div> <div id="listId" class="listClass"></div>
Step2 : Create one html file for List Widget
in myRowTemplate.html
<div class="palm-row"> <div style="float: left;">#{data}</div> </div>
Step 3: DatabaseList-assistant.js Creating a new table named”ofive_table” with two columns ID – Autoincrement Column Title – Text column
DatabaseListAssistant.prototype.setup = function() { var name = "MainDB"; // required var version = "1"; // required var db = openDatabase(name, version); if (!db) { Mojo.Log.error("Could not open database"); } else { db.transaction( function (transaction) { transaction.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Ofive_Table(id integer primary key autoincrement, Title TEXT)",[], function(transaction, results) {"Successfully created table")}, function(transaction, error) {Mojo.Log.error("Could not create table: ")}); }); } this.controller.setupWidget('button-1',{},{buttonLabel: 'Insert'}); this.controller.setupWidget('textField',{},{original : 'initial value'}); Mojo.Event.listen(this.controller.get('button-1'),Mojo.Event.tap, this.InsertRow) var attributes = { itemTemplate: 'DatabaseList/myRowTemplate', swipeToDelete: true, } this.controller.setupWidget('listId', attributes); };
Step 4: Include the following function which performs
Reference for Queries
– Inserting a new record into the Table (ofive_Table)
– Retrieve all records from the table and Populate into the List widget
DatabaseListAssistant.prototype.InsertRow=function(event){ var db = openDatabase("MainDB", "1"); // this is all that is required to open an existing DB db.transaction( function (transaction) { transaction.executeSql("INSERT INTO Ofive_Table(Title) VALUES (?)", [$('textField').innerText], function(transaction, results) { // success handler"Successfully inserted record"); }, function(transaction, error) { // error handler Mojo.Log.error("Could not insert record: " + error.message); } ); transaction.executeSql("SELECT * FROM Ofive_Table", [], function(transaction, results) { // success handler var Ar1=[] for(i=0;i<results.rows.length;i++) { Ar1.push({data: results.rows.item(i).Title}) } $("listId").mojo.noticeUpdatedItems(0, Ar1); }, function(transaction, error) { // error handler Mojo.Log.error("Could not insert record: " + error.message); } ); }) }