List widget has many properties, among which there are
listTemplate [optional]
itemTemplate [required]
emptyTemplate [optional]
In listTemplate file (optional; defines HTML template for list’s container; if omitted, list items are added to scene with no container):
<div style="background-color: #1e1e1e;color:#FFFFFF;height:55px;"> MyList </div> <div> #{listElements} </div>
If ListTemplate is been defined, then you need to mention where those items should be populated. where #{listElements} refers to the list items. if #{listElements} not mentioned, then it wont populate the items.
defines HTML template for list items
<div class="palm-row"> <div id="storyText" class="listText truncating-text">#{data}</div> </div>
in ListExample-assistant.js
ListExampleAssistant.prototype.setup = function() { this.controller.setupWidget("listId", this.attributes = { itemTemplate: "ListExample/myRowTemplate", listTemplate: "ListExample/myListTemplate", swipeToDelete: true, }, this.model = { listTitle: "List Title", items : [ {data: "Item 1"}, {data: "Item 2"}, {data: "Item 3"}, {data: "Item 4"}, {data: "Item 5"}, ] } ); };
<div style="background-color: #1e1e1e;color:#FFFFFF;height:55px;"> MyList </div> <div> #{listElements} </div> itemTemplate <div class="palm-row" x-mojo-tap-highlight="momentary"> <div style="float:left">#{data}</div> </div> |
</div> <div class="palm-group"> <div class="palm-group-title"> My List </div> <div class="palm-list"> #{-listElements} </div> </div> Where palm-group / palm-group-title and palm-list are inbuilt classes itemTemplate <div class="palm-row" x-mojo-tap-highlight="momentary"> <div style="float:left">#{data}</div> </div> |
in scene assistant: if listTemplate not mentioned, then the listeitems will be populated directly into the scene. ListExampleAssistant.prototype.setup = function() { this.controller.setupWidget("listId", this.attributes = { itemTemplate: "ListExample/myRowTemplate", swipeToDelete: true, }, this.model = { listTitle: "List Title", items : [ {data: "Item 1"}, {data: "Item 2"}, {data: "Item 3"}, {data: "Item 4"}, {data: "Item 5"}, ] } ); }; itemTemplate <div class="palm-row" x-mojo-tap-highlight="momentary"> <div style="float:left">#{data}</div> </div> |