Read XML in webOS
Refer Palm App :Basic App for Creating a basic App
Step1 : Create a folder named “Data” and paste test.xml
<l> <citem> <id>1</id> <userId>rrrtttt1111117779999999999999</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>2</id> <userId>111111aaa</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>3</id> <userId>333333333</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>4</id> <userId>33333333311111111</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>5</id> <userId>Laaaaa222222</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>6</id> <userId>11111111qqqqq333333333</userId> <pwd>adsdasdasd</pwd> </citem> <citem> <id>7</id> <userId>456</userId> <pwd/> </citem> <citem> <id>8</id> <userId>tyrrr</userId> <pwd></pwd> </citem> </l> |
Step 2: In Scene1-scene.html , Include another <div> tag to load the XML data
<div id=”XMLData”></div> |
Entire Code of Scene1-scene.html will look like below
<div id=”main” class=”palm-hasheader”>
<div class=”palm-header”>Header</div> <div id=”count” class=”palm-body-text”>Hello World</div> <div id=”XMLData”></div> </div> |
Step 3: Scene1-scene.html corresponding javascript file is
Scene1.assistant.js. Whatever javascript related to this scene can go in to this
Each javascript file has four events (Setup / Activate /cleanUp /deactivate)
related to the scene
1. Scene1-assistant.js
2. Edit the setup function to contain the following:
Scene1Assistant.prototype.setup = function() {
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=handler“GET”,”Data/test.xml”); xmlhttp.send(); }; |
3. Add the following funtion
function handler() { if(this.readyState == 4 && (this.status == 200 || this.status == 304)) { if(this.responseXML != null) { xmlDoc=this.responseXML document.getElementById(“XMLData”).innerText=this.responseText //It loads the XML content and writes into the DIV tag with ID XMLData} } } |